Emezzu handbag hardware specializes in supplying unique hardware and accessories for the production of bags, shoes, clothing, etc. to make your designs truly special. 

We deliver to end-users such as designers, small studios, small brands and consumers.

Emezzu handbag hardware is the place where, exclusive really means exclusive. 
We offer a special range, in limited supply. This allows us to update our range frequently. 

We often buy a product only once.  At the end of the day; how exclusive is a product when there are dozens of units in stock?
Our products are mainly produced in Italy, by manufacturers that also supply to top brands in the fashion world.


Our friend Liza from New York called upon us to help her find a set of bag handles for a Gladstone bag she wanted to make. 
She insisted on handles with a shiny gold finish, but could not find them there.

A piece of cake! Or so we thought…

We soon found out that it actually was really difficult to find suppliers with a comprehensive range of exclusive handbag hardware. Our mission turned into a long and informative quest.

Soon we were approached by friends of Liza, and friends of friends of Liza… All of them creative people with similar requests; unique and special items in small amounts for the design of handbags, leather clothing, shoes, and other objects.
These artistic minds understand like no-one else that a design is so much more than just the sum of the materials and accessories.

Each design tells a story that is not finished until every detail is in place. We are here to take care of those details.

Liza approached us with a request, and gave us inspiration. Inspiration to create a place where exclusive really means exclusive. We knew from the start that we want to stock unique hardware, in limited supply. This allows us to update our range frequently. At the end of the day; how exclusive is a product when there are dozens of units in stock?

We gave something special to Liza, and she to us. She gave us our story. The story of Emezzu handbag hardware.
What started out as helping a friend has turned into a worldwide hub of creativity.
